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Born London 1935. New Zealand since 1973. Christchurch with Gwen. 65 years in relationship.

Moreno’s Universe of discourse – what the hell is that.

To Peter Howie and other AANZPA Facebook friends   Hullo Peter,   Your thesis topic gives opportunity for an in depth exploration of both “warm up” and the body of core concepts that J L Moreno produced as he observed the human condition and worked to access and develop spontaneity and creativity for the health […]

Stage a wonderful and particular place in reality

Stage for Dr Jacob Moreno’s psychodrama is a material construction designed so that realities, truth and soul are able to be opened, faced and known for what they are. Reality is what is both ordinarily lived in a slice of life plus all that is and all that can be – beyond the readily recognized realities. Reality is what […]

Staging and Reality

Psychodrama happens where a person gathers with others in a half circle around a space that becomes a stage for enactments and with a leader trained in psychodrama production may be the one to bring their story to life. Jacob Moreno created Psychodrama. Moreno’s saw the “stage” as his first of five instruments, and he […]

On the coast

Living on the Sunshie Coast for a couple of months means beach sun some rain cold mornings and mid to low twenties for six hours a day. The beach at low tide has strands of creamy sand soft smooth and firmed by the waters. these days the result of scouring storms leaves the volcanic rock […]

Coaching and Chunking

I havebeen trying to recall a word I used to use in latter stages of role training. I remembered the word today that was eluding me. It’s “chunking”. From NLP I think and behavioural therapy in the seventies may be. I used it to have groups of men to “Harness Anger and Stop Violence”. In […]

Not Rehearsal

A prose-poem Not Rehearsal In 1985 the five day Training Workshop ends. The trainer’s saying that “psychodrama is rehearsal for life” clashed with the vitality and immediacy of my experience. I went home and wrote a prose poem. I knew what it was for me. It was not rehearsal. Knowing what it is not for […]

A couple of Walter’s articles

I found this in my old notes. Gave it back to Walter who put it on his blog, and gave me a copy of the digital version. Here it is: Mirroring and Cybernetics Here is a more recent one: Engaging the Muse

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Reciprocity in therapy groups

Thinking further on reciprocity and groups, and reciprocity’s advantages and may be necessity for worthwhile, ethical and powerfully efficacious healthy developments, I have been remembering Jacob Moreno in his “sociometry” based “group psychotherapy”. He was “Doctor”, and “Doctor” was an identity of powerful influence, respect and status in the years of his lifetime (1889 – […]

Dissonance and other essential cognitive distortions

Thinking about reciprocity and psychotherapeutic relationships had me recal Cognitive dissonance and Carl Festinger Festenger, who recognized such dissonance as operating when imbalances that discomfort us are in play, and where immediate active reponses are, or appear, not to be able to correct imbalances in the social context. The response that is made is to view the events in such […]

Reciprocity and mutuality in relationship

Language teacher on Niue in 1965 tought us to appreciate polynesian reciprocity. So careful for the stranger but taken for granted by the polynesian. What this mirrors to the western European is what it would mirror to Malaysian, Chilean or to be fair to any great ape or lesser ape or in some form all […]